برگزاری کارگاه ارگودیک در پژوهشكده رياضيات - شعبه اصفهان
The 1st Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations:
Ergodic Theory
January 5-6, 2015
(Dey 15-16, 1393)
IPM-Isfahan Branch, Isfahan, Iran
Local Organizer:
Majid Gazor (Isfahan University of Technology and IPM)
Short Course by:
Ali Golmakani (Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil)
Schedule of Talks:
Please fill out the Registration Form and send it to mgazor@cc.iut.ac.ir with the subject:
"The 1st Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations"
Registration Fee:
You can get more information about the registration fee here.
(Deadline for registration: January 4, 2015 (Dey 14, 1393
Majid Gazor
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran